Reservation in the hell too...
"O Yama, the lord of death, I am thankful to you for taking my life and bringing me up here. O Yama, please accept me atleast in the hell if not in the heaven. I have grown sick of all these reservations on earth." This is what I said when I met Yama, the lord of death and look at the reply that I received...
"O child let me ask Mr. Chithra Gupta. He is the one who decides whether you go to heaven or to hell."
"Hey Chithra Gupta, can you please go through your records and tell me whether this child should go to hell or heaven?"
After some time and going through thousands of pages that was recorded about me and considering much more cases Chithra Gupta whispered something in Yama's ear. And after few moments of silence and deep thinking Yama said
"Dear child I am sorry you were very good in your childhood days and were everyone's favourite but as you grew up you had given pain to others and were involved in many crimes. You had fought against the government for the cancellation of the reservation quota system back in India for the OBCs and SC/STs. Because of this the other category people got killed by these RQ men and women. That was the biggest mistake of your life and ya shall be severly punished for this. You will be put into hell, but, it is not right now as the quota for you intelligent and hard-working people is over for this year and you shall be considered with high priority for the next year's. Now you go back to earth and send those people who have influenced even Devathas to implement the quota system in here. I love them very much and shall want to meet them soon..." I was hit on the head and sent back here, to earth, to suffer more...
Why the hell all this happens in India, in the GODS's country. Why dont people understand that by implementing the reservation system they are digging their own grave - by not improvising and making themselves remain backward for centuries to come... Men and Women from India please understand that by reservation, you will not get any respect. If you ask for concessions in the fees, then we are ready but if you are dumb and still want to get into the best colleges then @#$% ^&*
?-==== (¯`•.?-Thanda Cool-?.•´¯) ====-=?
posted by goodpeapul @ 1:46 AM 0 comments